"Green transformation in Azerbaijan" conference was held

On November 2, a conference on "green transformation in Azerbaijan" was held within the framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) dialogues, jointly organized by the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Economy and the UN Mission in Azerbaijan.

AZERTAC reports that the main results of the analysis of Azerbaijan's "green development" indicators and "green SDGs" development, as well as the issues of determining new ways to accelerate the "green transformation" of our country, were discussed at the event. Speaking at the conference, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ali Ahmadov, said that the implementation of obligations under the global SDGs is an important part of the state policy in our country, that Azerbaijan is the first in the region and one of the 10 countries in the world to submit the Voluntary National Report on the implementation of the SDGs to the UN High-Level Political Forum. stressed. As a result of the work done, in the "Sustainable Development - 2022" report published annually by the UN specialized organization, the Initiative for Development Solutions and the University of Cambridge, Azerbaijan advanced by 5 points compared to 2021 and scored 73.5 points out of a possible 100, ranking among 163 countries. ranked 50th among

Vladanka Andreyeva, Resident Coordinator of the UN in Azerbaijan, emphasized the importance of the active participation of state institutions, scientific circles, the private sector, civil society and the general public in order to achieve the SDGs, in order to fulfill the obligations undertaken by Azerbaijan within the framework of the Paris climate agreement and the 2030 Agenda. pointed out that he fully supports the desire to accelerate "green development".

The Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, Mukhtar Babayev, as one of the main principles of a sustainable economy, said that in order to combat climate change, ensure the efficient use of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity, projects related to the application of clean technologies, the promotion of the use of "green energy" sources, recycling and the cleaning of polluted areas in Azerbaijan. noted that it was implemented and informed about these projects.

Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov approved more than 30 state programs, strategies and action plans covering socio-economic and environmental areas in the country in accordance with "Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development" for 2022‒2026. drew attention to the fact that the action plan of the Development Strategy is adapted to the goals and objectives of the SDGs.

British Ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld and Egyptian Ambassador to our country Hisham Mohamed Nagi Abdil Hamid and World Bank Country Manager for Azerbaijan Sara Michael spoke about the importance of "green transformation", the measures taken to eliminate the consequences of climate change, economic growth due to "green sources" in their speeches. they talked about the prospects of financing.

Hurshid Rustamov, the economist of the UN Resident Mission in the country, made a presentation on the results of the analysis of the development of Azerbaijan according to the "green SDGs".

A panel discussion on "Identifying new ways to accelerate green transformation in Azerbaijan" was held within the framework of the event. The speakers at the meeting moderated by Huseyn Huseynov, Secretary of the National Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development, Head of the Department of Sustainable Development and Social Policy of the Ministry of Economy, will discuss the reforms in the energy sector and the role of these reforms in the "green transformation" and the formation of sustainable development based on the "green environment". steps, the main directions and recommendations of the report on "green development" in Azerbaijan prepared by the World Bank were discussed.

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